Search Results for "seafood"

sundried shrimp

Beer, Bars, and Sun-Dried Shrimp

The menu of la botana is Mexican in principle with clear influence by Spanish cuisine, in the line of Tapas bar food but on the fiery side—so you drink more. Caldo de camarón is the quintessential first course in a cantina.

smoked clams

Smoked Hard Shell Clams

My preference is to shuck the clams before smoking so they absorb more of the smoke flavor, but whole clams can be smoked until the shells open, about ten minutes.

Pescado Tikin Xik made on the oven

The Tikin Xik Technique

The Mayan empire flourished for more than 2,000 years. During that time, they developed a body of knowledge encompassing many fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and architecture. Gastronomy was no exception.