Search Results for "ancho"

smoking foods fish

The Basics of Smoking Food

Human beings have been smoking foods since they accidentally found out that a piece of meat left on the side of a wood fire acquired a different taste than treating it only with heat from flames or coals.


Bottarga | Seafood Profile

Bottarga’s flavor is often compared to that of dry anchovies, and it is usually served in Italy sprinkled with olive oil or lemon juice as an appetizer with bread or crostini.

sundried shrimp

Beer, Bars, and Sun-Dried Shrimp

The menu of la botana is Mexican in principle with clear influence by Spanish cuisine, in the line of Tapas bar food but on the fiery side—so you drink more. Caldo de camarón is the quintessential first course in a cantina.

barnacle foods kelp salsa

Barnacle Foods Bonfire Kelp Salsa

Bonfire Kelp Salsa is Barnacle Foods’ apex predator in the spicy department. They also offer a mild and a medium. Flavor-wise, chipotle peppers give it some smoky goodness and a little heat, ramped up by cayenne, ancho, and African peppers. When the salsa hits your mouth, the slight smokiness greets […]