Ceviche is, of course, fish or other seafood that is marinated in citrus juices and other ingredients so that it is “cooked” without heat.
Seafood Profile
Making Curry Powders and Pastes for Seafood
My recommendation is that, whenever possible, cooks should follow the recipes in this series and use freshly ground or mixed ingredients for the curries.
The Legacy of Garum: Asian and European Fish Sauces
The concept of garum as a condiment lives on in various incarnations of prepared fish sauces. The accompanying table lists some of the international fish sauces. When choosing a fish sauce, look for one with a clear, reddish-brown color, like the color of good whisky or sherry, without any sediments. […]
The Basics of Smoking Food
Human beings have been smoking foods since they accidentally found out that a piece of meat left on the side of a wood fire acquired a different taste than treating it only with heat from flames or coals.
Garum: The First Seafood Product
The very first seafood product in history was a condiment manufactured more than 2,000 years ago in Greece, Rome, Phoenicia, Carthage, and later in Byzantium. It was called garum or liquamen.
Seafood Products You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Lately I have added another food history subject to write about: seafood and seafood products. Before I became obsessed with peppers, I was a seafood lover
Tasty Maine Scallops | Downeast Dayboat
When Togue Brawn, the owner of Downeast Dayboat discovered that I was a seafood aficionado, she decided to send me two pounds of her Maine scallops.
The Shrimp That Belies Its Name
Macrobrachium rosenbergii, aka the giant river prawn, is hardly a shrimp, size-wise. They can grow up to 20 inches long and weigh as much as a pound each.
The Incarnations of Processed Salmon
Processed salmon comes in many confusing forms. But it’s our job here at Seafood Harvest to unconfuse you, so keep these definitions in mind.
Louisiana-Style Hot Sauce
I’ve been growing chile peppers for more than a quarter century now. One of my favorite ways to preserve them is to make my own Louisiana-style hot sauce.