If you grew up in Alaska like I did, you already know canned salmon can be a good thing. Local fishermen have refined custom flavored salmon canning into an art form there. With the COVID panic sending consumers on hard core shopping sprees to stock up on food and toilet paper, many of us have re-examined what canned goods have to offer not just in terms of shelf life, but also taste and nutrition. There’s a growing consumer demand for high-quality canned foods and here are five companies rising to the challenge with some excellent canned salmon.

Not only does Fishwife make a high-quality canned salmon smoked with alder wood and blended with a brown sugar cure, the company also cans its own smoked albacore tuna. Both offerings are wild caught and emphasize healthy living and sustainability.

Cole’s use salmon from Chile which is smoked and then packed in extra virgin olive oil. Moreover, they a wide range of canned seafood products ranging from mackerel, salmon, and trout to calamari, mussels, and more. And in gourmet flavoring to boot.

Drifter’s Fish not only offers up smoked coho and sockeye salmon caught off the Alaskan coast, they also carry canned smoked octopus as well.

Starting with thick pieces of wild-caught Alaskan salmon, Salmon Sisters works in conjunction with Wildfish Cannery to make their Wild Alaska Smoked Salmon. Beyond that, they also donate 1% of all proceeds to the Give Fish Project, which gives wild Alaska seafood to the Food Bank of Alaska.
…and Speaking of Wildfish Cannery…

Wildfish Cannery also carries their own tasty selections of canned smoked salmon: King Salmon, Coho, Pink, and Sockeye. They also offer up smoked octopus and smoked salmon caviar. And that doesn’t even their full selection.
Feature Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels